Similar staining patterns were detected for TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. Necrotizing keratitis with corneal ulceration was found on days 14 and 28 in p. i. This correlated with increased expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 within the stroma and in infiltrating inflammatory cells. 感染后第14d及28d可见坏死性角膜炎及角膜溃疡形成,角膜基质中及浸润的炎性细胞中尤其是溃疡处可见MMP-2、-9及TIMP-1、-2表达显著增加。
The general situation of the engineering project and the fundamental function of P. I. T. ( pile integrity tester) adopted are described in this article. 本文给出了该工程的基本情况及本次测试所采用的P.I.T桩基完整性测试仪基本性能,同时简要论述了反射波法的基本原理及典型曲线的判别规则。
Necrotizing keratitis with corneal ulceration was present on days 14 and 28 p. i. This correlated with increased expression of MMP-2 within the stroma and in infiltrating inflammatory cells. 而感染后第14及28d可见角膜基质中及浸润的炎性细胞中尤其是溃疡处可见MMP-2的表达再次显著增加。
The composition of this system, computer hardware and software, and P. I. 论述了系统的组成、硬件和软件,以及系统采用的P.I。
The M. M. P. I. 将英文的M。
The level of IFN-γ also was the highest on day 3 p. i. ( P < 0.01), then gradually decreased and reached the normal during the period of day 10 to 14 p. IFN-γ在感染后第3天增高达峰值(P<0.01),随后逐渐下降,在感染后第10-14天降至正常水平;
Wave form interpretation for the structural integrity testing of the pile body by P. I. T. method P.I.T.法桩身结构完整性测试的波形判读